Celebrating over 30 years, the Holistic Center at Bristol Square is the only office from Maine to Northern Virginia with Certified NIS Practitioners. The NIS method (Neurological Integration System) is a ground-breaking approach to healthcare management used around the globe. NIS identifies the underlying cause of complaints, ultimately resulting in the relief of symptoms!
The major underlying cause of musculoskeletal conditions involves the muscles and associated ligaments and tendons.
Read MoreYour child’s spine is his/her lifeline because running through it is the spinal cord, containing billions of nerve fibers that send messages and energy from the brain to every part of their body.
Read MoreWe can pinpoint the specific offenders, whether it is food, chemicals, pollen, dust, dander, mold, etc. and "desensitize" the body so it no longer reacts to them.
Read MoreWhy isn't the body regulating the hormones as it is designed to do? The most common imbalance is the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, with estrogen usually dominating.
Read MoreThe inability to get to sleep or stay asleep has numerous possible causes.
Read MoreDigestive problems are frequently caused by the cumulative effect of different "imbalances," usually a combination of microbes, food allergies, lack of sufficient digestive enzymes, accumulated toxins, intestinal blockages, improper diet, nutritional deficiencies, vital energy depletion, dehydration and reactions to medication.
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