Holistic means addressing the whole person which includes all of the 8 areas. Most health problems are caused by imbalances among these 8 areas, over time, as related to an individual’s genetics, lifestyle, and capacity to deal with stress.
Holistic means addressing the whole person which includes all of the 8 areas. Most health problems are caused by imbalances among these 8 areas, over time, as related to an individual’s genetics, lifestyle, and capacity to deal with stress.
Chiropractic champions the idea of a holistic approach to health and illness, recognizing the body's inherent ability to heal itself during times of physical injury, mental/emotional or environmental stress. Through painless adjustments of the spine and joints, chiropractors can influence the nervous system and natural defense mechanisms in order to alleviate pain and improve general health.
Proper nutrition is vital to health, and more complicated than many realize, especially since individual needs vary greatly. We can pinpoint your specific nutritional requirements and also identify and eliminate food allergies.
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a form of diagnosis using muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a person's body is functioning. When properly applied, an AK diagnosis will reveal different types of "imbalances" which will not show up by most other kinds of testing, and will determine the best form of therapy for the patient.
Active Release Techniques (ART) is a hands-on therapy designed to restore the normal textures and tension to soft tissue structures, allowing full function. Muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerve entrapment sites are the soft tissues on which ART works.
Cold laser is a low power (no heat or tissue destruction) laser that is excellent for pain reduction, enhanced tissue healing, cell regeneration, and acupuncture meridian therapy.